Friday, February 21, 2020

Weekend Reading: The Too Much Going On Edition

I went out for a rollerblade today, but it didn't refresh me like it usually does. I've got too many things going on right now, both at work and outside it, and my brain just kept telling me about all the things I should be doing instead of rollerblading. Bah.

I came back from my rollerblade and had to get back to work instead of writing my weekend reading post like I usually do. But I don't want to skip again since I skipped last week so you'll get a short and frazzled post.

There was no post last week because we took a mini-break for a nice weekend away. We went to Palm Springs with our kids and rode the tram up Mt. San Jacinto to play in the snow. I've got an Adjusted Latitudes post halfway written about it.

Anyway, here are the links I've accumulated:

This article about being an Elizabeth Warren fan is woefully out of date now... there was the less than stellar showing in the New Hampshire primary and then this week's strong debate performance that has pundits saying maybe this is her comeback. I hope it is, because I still think she's our best candidate.

If you read only one thing this week, though, make it Adam Serwer's Atlantic article The First Days of the Trump Regime. It will remind you why this election is so crucial.

I also really liked Ezra Klein's article about why Bloomberg is also dangerous.

Here's another old article, this one about Taika Waititi's acknowledgement of the Native land on which the Oscars were held. If you're curious what Native land you live on, you can look it up here. I live on Kumeyaay land.

In recommended listening this week: Ta-Nehisi Coates' conversation with Ezra Klein about Klein's new book is the really good. I listen to the Ezra Klein show and The Weeds, so I've heard several interviews/discussions about this book. This one is my favorite.

This Daily Show clip about Stop and Frisk is really good:

I don't know what to make of this:
Here's your weekly bunny:

Happy weekend, everyone!

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