We've settled into a pretty good work and school from home routine here. This is not optimal, but it is doable for us and for that I am grateful. The kids and I go for a walk pretty much every day - Petunia skips some days, but she's coming more often now. She's picked out a favorite house a couple blocks over and likes to walk by and visit it. We all like looking for new teddy bears in people's windows and pretty flowers in their front gardens. The hardest part of this routine is scheduling - between my work calls, the kids' school calls, and some Zoom tutoring Pumpkin is doing for younger kids it can sometimes be hard to find a 30 minute block of time for our walk. We usually manage, though, and have only had to postpone the walk to after dinner a couple of times.
Some days are better than others, of course. Tuesday, work really wore me down. I had a Zoom call with a friend after dinner, and struggled to explain why, exactly, work wore me down. It was a mix of several different frustrations I think, of which the extra difficulties created by working from home were only a small part. I think the bigger problem is that my usual ways of letting go of work annoyances are blocked to me and I haven't really found good replacements. I need to work on that because I honestly expect to be working from home for at least another couple of months and probably longer. (That doesn't mean I expect the stay at home order to be unchanged, but I have the sort of job that is easiest to do from home and I think people like me will be asked to keep working from home even as other things open back up.)
Today, I woke up with a headache and ended up taking some ibuprofen with a big glass of Propel and going back to sleep for an hour. I'd arranged to donate my small supply of N95 masks (bought as preparation in case of high smoke during fire season) to San Diego county's PPE donation center so even though I started work late, I had to take a break around 9 a.m. to go do that. I had been planning to make a Target run tomorrow. Our toilet paper supplies were getting a bit lower than I liked and toilet paper is the one thing I haven't figured out how to get delivered. Since I was going out already, I checked Target's website and saw several types of toilet paper in stock at my local store. So after I dropped of the masks, I went to Target.
I got toilet paper, but it is a brand I've never heard of, not one of the brands the website said was in stock. I got to the store before 10 a.m., and there were 10 packs of toilet paper left on the shelf. I took one pack with 12 rolls in it. I think Target is limiting quantities you can buy, and even if they weren't it would have felt wrong to take more. This extends our toilet paper runway to 6-8 weeks, and presumably sometime in that period we'll be in a store that has toilet paper again.
I also got almost everything else on my list. There was no Fresca, unfortunately, and also no parchment paper (for baking). But both of those things I can try ordering from the grocery store, so we'll cope.
Our order to wear face coverings if we're coming within 6 feet of anyone goes into effect on Friday, but already most people were following it. For the most part, people kept their distance, too. It was not a fun shopping trip but it was far less stressful than the early trips I took to grocery stores. I think I'll be OK with doing more in person shopping now, but we'll keep trying to minimize it.
Anyway, that's a lot of words to say "we're coping OK and settling into a routine we can stick with for as long as we need to." That has been my goal - to make life in these weird conditions feel OK, so that we can deal with the uncertainty about when conditions will be less weird. In conversations with friends and in the online discourse, it seems that the uncertainty about how long we'll be living like this is really getting to people.
I get it. There is no way we're all going to live like this until a vaccine is ready. The timeline for a vaccine is too long and people's resolve is already fraying. Or if their resolve isn't fraying, their nerves are, and they're struggling to see the point of what we're all doing if we're going to have to open things up without a vaccine, anyway.
There are three things I hold on to that help me NOT feel that way:
(1) My state and local governments are building testing capacity, and they're starting to work out how they're going to be able to do contact tracing at the scale needed to make an impact on virus spread. This means that even without a vaccine, we will have a safer way to open things up if we wait a bit longer. Yes, it would be better if we had a national strategy for this but that's not going to happen until January of 2021 at the earliest so I'll just be glad for what my state and county are doing. Epidemiology studies are also starting to come in, which will tell us more about what activities are riskiest so that we can make better decisions about what to open up and what to keep closed.
(2) I am not a doctor or an expert on critical patient care, but it seems to me from watching what happened in New York and Italy that there is a lot of value in keeping the hospitalization levels low enough to allow doctors to have plenty of time for each COVID-19 patient they have. I suspect this decreases the fatality rate. I am sure this decreases the strain on medical staff, and also on the people in the area. I am willing to put up with a lot to keep the hospitalization levels well below capacity in my area. If I ever start to feel impatient with the stay at home order, I think about this.
(3) Even if no vaccine is developed and we're all going to end up getting this virus eventually, I think that every day I can delay getting it improves my chances of a better outcome if I do get it. Clinical trials are underway - as we get more results from those trials, doctors will have a better idea of what drugs might provide a favorable benefit-to-risk ratio. Doctors are learning from what seems to work best for their patients and are sharing that information as quickly as they can. As drugs start to show promise, we'll need a strategy to scale up manufacturing and we'll need to figure out optimal dosing. This work is already underway for remdesivir, but it will take time to build up supplies of the drug to the point where anyone who needs it can get it (if it indeed turns out to be helpful).
These three things all feedback on each other, too - if we keep case numbers low, we need fewer contact tracers and less amounts of any drug that is useful. If a drug is truly beneficial, it can reduce the load on hospitals. If hospitals are not overloaded, doctors have time to try more things and learn more about what helps their COVID-19 patients. And so on.
So even with no defined end in sight, it is worth going as slow as we can on opening things up. A slow approach also lets us learn what things have an impact on case load. We have no choice but to run experiments on ourselves to find out what is safe, but if we open things up slowly, at least those experiments will give us useful information and not just a big spike in cases.
I do think we'll get a vaccine eventually, but that we'll be very lucky to have one in 2021. I don't look to a vaccine as the way out of what we're living through now. It may be the way back to something that really feels "normal" but we'll get to something better before then. We just need to remember why we're taking things slow and be as patient as we can be.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Weekend Reading: The Beaches Are Opening Edition
Here we are, on another Saturday morning! It is going to be pretty hot here today - my phone says we're going up to the mid-80s today. It is the sort of day that would normally send people flocking to the beaches, but they're still closed. San Diego county has said that people can get back on the water for their favorite watersports starting Monday, and people will be allowed to walk and run on the beach if the cities that control the beaches permit it. Mostly, it seems like they will. Parking lots remain closed, though, which may help keep the crowds down.
Face coverings will be mandatory if you're going to be within 6 feet of someone else starting May 1. We don't wear masks when walking around our neighborhood because it is easy to stay 6 feet away from people - we just zig-zag to the side of the street with no one else on it, and in the case when three groups are passing at once someone goes in the middle of the street. Being able to do this is one of the benefits of living in a quiet residential neighborhood. Mr. Snarky and I took a walk yesterday evening and were commenting on how different it would be if we lived in one of the cooler parts of town with less space. As far as I know, San Diego hasn't closed any streets to traffic to make it easier for those folks.
I will probably go for a beach walk at some point in the next few weeks, but not right away. I'll give everyone time to figure things out. Maybe first I'll go for a walk by Mission Bay, which I can walk to (although it will be a long walk). I will wear a mask if I head down towards the water. I think it will be easier to keep 6 feet away now than it was earlier on, because I think more people will also be trying to preserve their own 6 foot bubble - but it won't be as sparse as our neighborhood walks.
I think reopening our outdoor spaces is a good thing as long as we can keep from crowding. The more spaces that are open, the easier to avoid crowding. According the announcement I linked to above, the county is hoping to have a plan in place to allow more outdoor recreation by May 1. My hope is that by having access to our outdoor spaces, we'll be able to handle keeping the indoor spaces closed longer. As more data on transmission comes out, it seems increasingly clear that the primary mode of transmission is droplets and the risky thing is to stay in close proximity to other people for prolonged periods of time. So I am in no rush to sit down for a meal at a restaurant or even to lay out a towel on a beach surrounded by lots of other people doing the same. But I think a walk on the beach, particularly if I time it to a less busy time, would be fine. And I've thought that for awhile - I didn't see the problem with Florida opening its beaches even while I think Georgia is setting itself up for a lot of pain by opening restaurants and bowling alleys and the like.
But my expertise is not epidemiology or virology, so let's link to some of the new studies from actual experts!
Here's the study from China about the not yet symptomatic person who went to a restaurant and apparently infected people at both neighboring tables that were in the line of airflow (due to the air conditioner), but no one else, not even at the neighboring table outside the line of airflow.
And here's the study from South Korea about the call center floor, in which the cases are predominantly on one side of the building.
It is still early, and we have much to learn about this virus and how it spreads. But the evidence so far points to droplet not aerosol, and longer time period exposure over short contacts (e.g., sitting near an infected person at work, not just passing them in the hall). Based on this, I would not be in a hurry to surf (for those who don't live near a surfing area, surfers hang out on their boards not that far apart from each other for long periods of time, waiting to catch a wave), but since the surfers here have been some of the loudest about wanting back in the water I suspect we'll have data on this soon enough.
California's first COVID-19 death was much earlier than we thought. It now seems likely that both NY and CA had community transmission going on in February. Why did the two states have such different outcomes? There are a lot of plausible theories: differences in the particular strain that infected each area (NY was seeded from Italy, CA directly from Wuhan), difference in transit methods (plenty of Californians use public transit, but there are differences in degree of usage and also mode), differences in weather, and of course the difference in timing of the lockdown (a few days at the point on an exponential curve when it really takes off can be a very big difference). We don't know the reason and we probably won't know for some time yet. We may never know. I think the best thing to do is ignore the online shouting about this sort of thing and focus on what the actual studies are telling us about transmission and infection risks.
The reports coming out about strokes in young COVID-19 patients with seemingly mild cases are a sobering reminder of why we should go slow on reopening things.
We all really want treatments or a vaccine, but we should keep our expectations on when we might have those things realistic. Derek Lowe at In the Pipeline has a run down of the types of treatments that are possible and the timeframe in which they might be available. I've linked to a similar summary from Matthew Herper before, but I think it is worth reiterating. Derek leaves out convalescent plasma, which is available now, albeit only by recruiting recovered COVID-19 patients to donate and so not in anywhere near the quantities needed to make it a common treatment. There are studies indicating it is effective starting to come out.
If a repurposed small molecule treatment proves at all effective (and we're probably still a month away from having meaningful data on the most likely of the bunch, remdesivir), there will be a big manufacturing scale up needed. Lisa Jarvis has a good write up of what that means.
Here's some promising vaccine news.
Here's the study from China about the not yet symptomatic person who went to a restaurant and apparently infected people at both neighboring tables that were in the line of airflow (due to the air conditioner), but no one else, not even at the neighboring table outside the line of airflow.
And here's the study from South Korea about the call center floor, in which the cases are predominantly on one side of the building.
It is still early, and we have much to learn about this virus and how it spreads. But the evidence so far points to droplet not aerosol, and longer time period exposure over short contacts (e.g., sitting near an infected person at work, not just passing them in the hall). Based on this, I would not be in a hurry to surf (for those who don't live near a surfing area, surfers hang out on their boards not that far apart from each other for long periods of time, waiting to catch a wave), but since the surfers here have been some of the loudest about wanting back in the water I suspect we'll have data on this soon enough.
California's first COVID-19 death was much earlier than we thought. It now seems likely that both NY and CA had community transmission going on in February. Why did the two states have such different outcomes? There are a lot of plausible theories: differences in the particular strain that infected each area (NY was seeded from Italy, CA directly from Wuhan), difference in transit methods (plenty of Californians use public transit, but there are differences in degree of usage and also mode), differences in weather, and of course the difference in timing of the lockdown (a few days at the point on an exponential curve when it really takes off can be a very big difference). We don't know the reason and we probably won't know for some time yet. We may never know. I think the best thing to do is ignore the online shouting about this sort of thing and focus on what the actual studies are telling us about transmission and infection risks.
The reports coming out about strokes in young COVID-19 patients with seemingly mild cases are a sobering reminder of why we should go slow on reopening things.
We all really want treatments or a vaccine, but we should keep our expectations on when we might have those things realistic. Derek Lowe at In the Pipeline has a run down of the types of treatments that are possible and the timeframe in which they might be available. I've linked to a similar summary from Matthew Herper before, but I think it is worth reiterating. Derek leaves out convalescent plasma, which is available now, albeit only by recruiting recovered COVID-19 patients to donate and so not in anywhere near the quantities needed to make it a common treatment. There are studies indicating it is effective starting to come out.
If a repurposed small molecule treatment proves at all effective (and we're probably still a month away from having meaningful data on the most likely of the bunch, remdesivir), there will be a big manufacturing scale up needed. Lisa Jarvis has a good write up of what that means.
Here's some promising vaccine news.
If you haven't seen the story about the Pennsylvania workers who slept at their factory for 28 days go read it. It will make you feel better about humanity.
This is a really good point, and I don't think it is just billionaires thinking that other people should have to go back to work while they continue to work from home.
This is a really good point, and I don't think it is just billionaires thinking that other people should have to go back to work while they continue to work from home.
This made me laugh:"Billionaires don't want to go back, they want *the workers* to go back" - a great insight in an overall great thread. https://t.co/L0STrzh2Ll— Jeremy TEST/TRACE/ISOLATE Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) April 23, 2020
“I can see my whole medical career flash before me” #janeygodleyvoiceover catch me on tour https://t.co/CgJN2qGRC0 pic.twitter.com/ItU8xABFfW— Janey Godley (@JaneyGodley) April 24, 2020
As did this:
Here's something funny that is not about Trump:
I think I linked to the Welsh weatherman who played the drums to his closing music... here is the utterly delightful follow up:
Here's your bunny of the week:
How to medical pic.twitter.com/0EDqJcy38p— Sarah Cooper (@sarahcpr) April 24, 2020
Here's something funny that is not about Trump:
This xkcd cartoon may be maximally funny only to bioscientists old enough to have done sequence analysis in a text editor... But it really made me laugh.The Macarena zone in front of our house has hilariously resulted in parents teaching their young children the Macarena in front of our front window. 10/10 would recommend a Macarena zone. pic.twitter.com/hp0wq93orr— Meghan Waters (@MeghanJMJW) April 23, 2020
I think I linked to the Welsh weatherman who played the drums to his closing music... here is the utterly delightful follow up:
— Quentin Sommerville (@sommervilletv) April 23, 2020This is so cool. I'm sad we can't really go see the bioluminescence right now. But there will be other times.
“Last night was truly one of the most magical nights of my life. Capt. Ryan of Newport Coastal Adventure invited me along to capture rare video of Dolphins swimming in bioluminescence. - by Patrick Coyne pic.twitter.com/Zjyul6qZCY— Todays California (@TodaysCali) April 24, 2020
Here's your bunny of the week:
— うさぎ島の写真bot (@rabbit_isle_bot) April 24, 2020
Happy weekend! I'm planning to get my hammock out under the avocado tree and just chill. I hope you have something good planned, too!
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Weekend Reading: Another Week Edition
We made it through another week! Honestly, that's what I am focusing on right now: making it through each week. I know a lot of people say that the days all blend together and weekends don't feel like weekends, but for me weekends are definitely different from weekdays. There is no schoolwork to help with, and I shut my work laptop down on Friday evening and don't generally open it again until Monday morning. I still look forward to weekends even if I haven't figured out how to make the best use of them to recharge these days.
Yesterday at lunchtime I thought I might end up needing to work a little this weekend. I had a list of five things I had to get done before Monday and when I stopped for lunch I had done exactly one of them. I'd spent some time on Petunia's math assignment (including looking for something that had a weight marked on it that was less than 5 grams - I eventually found a tube of chapstick that did the trick) and some time helping on a project for a colleague who has bigger child schooling challenges than I do. These were the right things to do but I still needed to do the items on my list. Luckily, I had a burst of productivity after lunch. I had to stay at my desk a little longer than usual, but I still got to close down my work laptop for the weekend before I went to make dinner.
Anyway, let's have some links.
In self-promotional news:
In case you missed it, I wrote up the last trip my husband and I took before everything shut down. It was fun, but a little weird.
Also! Last week the latest Annorlunda book came out. Nontraditional is a wonderful collection of stories about the students Nan Kuhlman taught in a small town community college, and how they (and she) got second chances in life. This was a terrible time for a book release but once it became clear how terrible it would be it was too late to change the release date. I've really struggled to find reviewers for it which makes me sad because it deserves more readers. If you're looking for something to read, give it a try!
In coronavirus news:
Obviously, read Ed Yong's latest in which he tries to get us all to think realistically about what comes next.
Remdesivir has been in the news a lot this week. It is a small molecule made by Gilead that inhibits viralproteases polymerases (ugh sorry about that slip - I was still caffeinating when I wrote this). It was tried against Ebola without much use, but there is in vitro data indicating that it is a better inhibitor of the SARS-CoV-2 polymerase than the Ebola polymerase, which is encouraging. Here's a nice summary of that research.
Derek Lowe at In the Pipeline has a good summary of what the various leaks and signs about remdesivir tell us so far. Spoiler: not much. I can't find it now, but I also saw someone tweet out a notice from clinicaltrials.gov that the more informative trial with a placebo arm is extending the size of its treatment group. That often means that the effect size being seen in preliminary data is not large and therefore the trial team thinks they need a larger sample to get meaningful statistics. But we're all just reading tea leaves and we won't know anything until the trials actually report.
One thing that is a bit puzzling to me is that all of the trials seem to focus on relatively late stage disease - i.e., once a patient is hospitalized. I guess that might be because remdesivir has to be given by IV and hospitalized patients make that mode of delivery easier. But most of what we know about antivirals for respiratory illness indicates that they are most effective if given early (e.g., Tamiflu is most useful if given within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms) and there is encouraging data in monkeys based on early administration of remdesivir. We are also sadly learning what populations of patients are most likely to progress to hospitalization and so I wonder if anyone is planning a trial in which those patients are treated with remdesivir early, with an endpoint of reduced hospitalizations.
But trial design is not my field of expertise and the people designing and running trials right now are not stupid. I assume this idea has also occurred to them and that there is a reason we're running the trials we're running.
There have also been some encouraging reports about repurposed drugs that target the "cytokine storm" that can occur in very sick patients. No trial readouts yet or even the sort of leaks and tea leave readings like we're getting on the remdesivir trials, but anecdotes coming out that some of the drugs may be beneficial.
I don't know if I posted a link to this before, but Matthew Herper published a good overview of the potential treatments for COVID-19 in March. If you'd like a better understanding of what treatments might become available, that is a good place to start.
I have seen a lot of angry tweets about the fact that we're all staying home to buy time and our government does not seem to be using that time to ramp up testing. I agree that is very frustrating, but better testing is not the only thing we're buying time for. We're buying time for more trials to complete so that we know which, if any, of the currently available drugs are beneficial. We're buying time for the efforts underway at various biotech and pharma companies to move other treatment options into the clinic.
Also there was some good news this week about swabs, which are one of the limiting components for a testing strategy. More validated swab materials and the less invasive swab collection method now approved by the FDA could both speed up testing.
So basically, we're all staying home to buy time for good science to be done. We want to accelerate things, but not rush them. We need to understand the detection limits of the tests. We need to know which drugs have a potential benefit that outweighs the risks from any side effects. We need the vaccine safety trials to have time to complete. We need the science to be done and done well.
I thought it might be helpful to share one of the little things that has been helping me be OK with staying home:
My husband and I really enjoy the silly British quiz show 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. We find the episodes on YouTube. Here's a randomly chosen episode. In searching for that I discovered that it might actually be available on Amazon Prime, too. I'll have to check that out.
But those shows are long and we don't always want such a long show at the end of the day. So we were happy when the YouTub algorithm alerted us to the existence of Jimmy Carr's Little Quiz of the Lockdown. It is a short nightly quiz and it has been a good way to unwind before bed. Here's a compilation of a week's worth of entries, but we tend to watch them one or two at a time.
And in other news... here are the things that made me smile this week:
This story is quite something:
Yesterday at lunchtime I thought I might end up needing to work a little this weekend. I had a list of five things I had to get done before Monday and when I stopped for lunch I had done exactly one of them. I'd spent some time on Petunia's math assignment (including looking for something that had a weight marked on it that was less than 5 grams - I eventually found a tube of chapstick that did the trick) and some time helping on a project for a colleague who has bigger child schooling challenges than I do. These were the right things to do but I still needed to do the items on my list. Luckily, I had a burst of productivity after lunch. I had to stay at my desk a little longer than usual, but I still got to close down my work laptop for the weekend before I went to make dinner.
Anyway, let's have some links.
In self-promotional news:
In case you missed it, I wrote up the last trip my husband and I took before everything shut down. It was fun, but a little weird.
Also! Last week the latest Annorlunda book came out. Nontraditional is a wonderful collection of stories about the students Nan Kuhlman taught in a small town community college, and how they (and she) got second chances in life. This was a terrible time for a book release but once it became clear how terrible it would be it was too late to change the release date. I've really struggled to find reviewers for it which makes me sad because it deserves more readers. If you're looking for something to read, give it a try!
In coronavirus news:
Obviously, read Ed Yong's latest in which he tries to get us all to think realistically about what comes next.
Remdesivir has been in the news a lot this week. It is a small molecule made by Gilead that inhibits viral
Derek Lowe at In the Pipeline has a good summary of what the various leaks and signs about remdesivir tell us so far. Spoiler: not much. I can't find it now, but I also saw someone tweet out a notice from clinicaltrials.gov that the more informative trial with a placebo arm is extending the size of its treatment group. That often means that the effect size being seen in preliminary data is not large and therefore the trial team thinks they need a larger sample to get meaningful statistics. But we're all just reading tea leaves and we won't know anything until the trials actually report.
One thing that is a bit puzzling to me is that all of the trials seem to focus on relatively late stage disease - i.e., once a patient is hospitalized. I guess that might be because remdesivir has to be given by IV and hospitalized patients make that mode of delivery easier. But most of what we know about antivirals for respiratory illness indicates that they are most effective if given early (e.g., Tamiflu is most useful if given within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms) and there is encouraging data in monkeys based on early administration of remdesivir. We are also sadly learning what populations of patients are most likely to progress to hospitalization and so I wonder if anyone is planning a trial in which those patients are treated with remdesivir early, with an endpoint of reduced hospitalizations.
But trial design is not my field of expertise and the people designing and running trials right now are not stupid. I assume this idea has also occurred to them and that there is a reason we're running the trials we're running.
There have also been some encouraging reports about repurposed drugs that target the "cytokine storm" that can occur in very sick patients. No trial readouts yet or even the sort of leaks and tea leave readings like we're getting on the remdesivir trials, but anecdotes coming out that some of the drugs may be beneficial.
I don't know if I posted a link to this before, but Matthew Herper published a good overview of the potential treatments for COVID-19 in March. If you'd like a better understanding of what treatments might become available, that is a good place to start.
I have seen a lot of angry tweets about the fact that we're all staying home to buy time and our government does not seem to be using that time to ramp up testing. I agree that is very frustrating, but better testing is not the only thing we're buying time for. We're buying time for more trials to complete so that we know which, if any, of the currently available drugs are beneficial. We're buying time for the efforts underway at various biotech and pharma companies to move other treatment options into the clinic.
Also there was some good news this week about swabs, which are one of the limiting components for a testing strategy. More validated swab materials and the less invasive swab collection method now approved by the FDA could both speed up testing.
So basically, we're all staying home to buy time for good science to be done. We want to accelerate things, but not rush them. We need to understand the detection limits of the tests. We need to know which drugs have a potential benefit that outweighs the risks from any side effects. We need the vaccine safety trials to have time to complete. We need the science to be done and done well.
I thought it might be helpful to share one of the little things that has been helping me be OK with staying home:
My husband and I really enjoy the silly British quiz show 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. We find the episodes on YouTube. Here's a randomly chosen episode. In searching for that I discovered that it might actually be available on Amazon Prime, too. I'll have to check that out.
But those shows are long and we don't always want such a long show at the end of the day. So we were happy when the YouTub algorithm alerted us to the existence of Jimmy Carr's Little Quiz of the Lockdown. It is a short nightly quiz and it has been a good way to unwind before bed. Here's a compilation of a week's worth of entries, but we tend to watch them one or two at a time.
And in other news... here are the things that made me smile this week:
This story is quite something:
Also a great story:I'm going to say a one-off gig counts as a job and that therefore it was the time I got hired to play music at an honest-to-god shotgun wedding in rural Alabama. https://t.co/bQzrRx8zRb— Sam Bergman (@violanorth) April 16, 2020
Look at these cute birds!Ok this WASN’T me but when I was a junior in college I made the catastrophic mistake of underestimating the athleticism of crabs and about 300 crabs got loose in the basement of the biology building and it was 100% my bad https://t.co/dDhtgkrIwF— Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D (@SarahMackAttack) April 16, 2020
True:Jkhkhjjmkhj! LOOK AT THESE BABY WOODCOCKS PRACTICING THEIR BOOTY BOP— Kaeli Swift, Ph.D. (@corvidresearch) April 17, 2020
Video credit: https://t.co/WNgg06nHQY pic.twitter.com/OikRng7bgd
How cool are these flowers?Imagine getting the brief to write some copy on a fucking bin bag and then smashing it out of the park like this. Sensational effort. pic.twitter.com/TBXjnUaWsT— Stu Royall (@stu_bot3000) April 17, 2020
— Makinggardens (@makinggardens) April 16, 2020Here's your bunny of the week, from Carl Bovis who usually tweets wonderful bird pictures:
Happy weekend!Saw another cute young Rabbit during my walk around the village the other night! 🥰— Carl Bovis (@CarlBovisNature) April 17, 2020
Again I've had to lighten the image as it was getting dark.#TwitterNatureCommunity #NaturalHealthService 🐰 pic.twitter.com/akp8xSXJNC
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Weekend Links: The Things that Made Me Smile Edition
Hello from my dining room table! Or, as I call it when our meeting schedules dictate that I move out here to work, the auxiliary office.
I've decided that today's post is mostly going to be links to things that made me smile this week, because it was a tough week and I would like to revisit the smiles! Our school district started up distance learning this week, albeit as a "soft launch" in which grades won't be affected by any of the work. My children were not swayed by that pronouncement, though, and so there has been some stress here at Chez Cloud about assignments that won't load, etc., etc. The kids also (reasonably) sometimes need something explained by a person and not a website. This seems to particularly happen with math, so I've been refreshing my memory of fractions (4th grader) and geometry (7th grader). I also learned about the difference between a population and a community so that I could help Petunia with her science assignment one day. This was complicated by the fact that all of the material she was looking at was in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish. Luckily, there were plenty of resources in English just a web search away....
But the time I spent doing 4th grade science and math and troubleshooting various technology issues was time I didn't spend doing the job that pays our bills. I am quite busy at my actual job because we sell and configure software for scientists and pretty much all of my customers are either 100% working from home or only allowed into the lab on a reduced schedule for essential activities. So they all suddenly have a lot more time to focus on their informatics needs and have been contacting me about speeding up their projects or adding new projects.
When I see the pictures of long lines of cars waiting for food bank distribution events or read about what people working in essential jobs are dealing with, though, I am reminded of just how lucky I am to have the problems I have. So after just a few general links, I'll post the things that made me smile.
First, here's a more well-rounded write-up of San Diego's distance learning launch in case anyone is curious to know more about it. I think the teachers and the district are working really hard to make this a good as it can be and I appreciate all their work.
This essay about why some voters might have preferred Joe Biden to the candidates offering big changes really resonated with me, even though my preferred candidate wanted to bring big, structural change. I was tired by the demands of this era before the pandemic hit. It is only worse now. I can see the attraction of the promise of four years to catch our collective breath.
The logistical failures Gov. Inslee points out in the interview described in this piece are so frustrating. I work in a very different sort of delivery project, but one of my most important jobs is to see the potential roadblocks and risks and have plans for how to work around them so that we can get to our goal. It is really frustrating for me to read about the failure of my government to do this basic task of project management. I know the federal government has people who are good at this sort of thing, but they have clearly been sidelined. We are all going to pay the price of that.
Derek Lowe has a good summary of the latest report on the results of compassionate use of remdesivir (Gilead's drug). The short answer is we still don't know much. Actual clinical trials should start providing results soon and that will tell us more. Given the timeline to get a vaccine it would be very, very good news if one of the repurposed drugs was actually beneficial. But we'll only know that if we take the time to do a proper study. Don't even get me started on the mess that has been made in the hydroxychloroquine situation.
I also saw a write-up of Pfizer's work for the first time. A lot of us in the industry have assumed (or even heard through the grapevine) that they were reactivating work on some leads they had developed during the SARS epidemic. While this isn't as much of an acceleration as repurposing a drug that has already been approved for other uses, it is still much faster than starting from scratch. Presumably they already have data about which compounds in their series have acceptable pharmacokinetic parameters and have learned some things about specificity and the like from their past work. Given all the layoffs and other turmoil at Pfizer (and other pharmas) in the intervening years, I wonder if the scientists who know this data best are still at Pfizer. I hope so. Here's a write up on Pfizer's various efforts that includes a discussion of the compounds that came from their earlier SARS work.
OK, now for the happy things.
This was the obvious song for this period in time:
I loved this:
This is beautiful and amazing:
I've enjoyed watching people on Twitter discover the existence of swamp rabbits:
I've decided that today's post is mostly going to be links to things that made me smile this week, because it was a tough week and I would like to revisit the smiles! Our school district started up distance learning this week, albeit as a "soft launch" in which grades won't be affected by any of the work. My children were not swayed by that pronouncement, though, and so there has been some stress here at Chez Cloud about assignments that won't load, etc., etc. The kids also (reasonably) sometimes need something explained by a person and not a website. This seems to particularly happen with math, so I've been refreshing my memory of fractions (4th grader) and geometry (7th grader). I also learned about the difference between a population and a community so that I could help Petunia with her science assignment one day. This was complicated by the fact that all of the material she was looking at was in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish. Luckily, there were plenty of resources in English just a web search away....
But the time I spent doing 4th grade science and math and troubleshooting various technology issues was time I didn't spend doing the job that pays our bills. I am quite busy at my actual job because we sell and configure software for scientists and pretty much all of my customers are either 100% working from home or only allowed into the lab on a reduced schedule for essential activities. So they all suddenly have a lot more time to focus on their informatics needs and have been contacting me about speeding up their projects or adding new projects.
When I see the pictures of long lines of cars waiting for food bank distribution events or read about what people working in essential jobs are dealing with, though, I am reminded of just how lucky I am to have the problems I have. So after just a few general links, I'll post the things that made me smile.
First, here's a more well-rounded write-up of San Diego's distance learning launch in case anyone is curious to know more about it. I think the teachers and the district are working really hard to make this a good as it can be and I appreciate all their work.
This essay about why some voters might have preferred Joe Biden to the candidates offering big changes really resonated with me, even though my preferred candidate wanted to bring big, structural change. I was tired by the demands of this era before the pandemic hit. It is only worse now. I can see the attraction of the promise of four years to catch our collective breath.
The logistical failures Gov. Inslee points out in the interview described in this piece are so frustrating. I work in a very different sort of delivery project, but one of my most important jobs is to see the potential roadblocks and risks and have plans for how to work around them so that we can get to our goal. It is really frustrating for me to read about the failure of my government to do this basic task of project management. I know the federal government has people who are good at this sort of thing, but they have clearly been sidelined. We are all going to pay the price of that.
Derek Lowe has a good summary of the latest report on the results of compassionate use of remdesivir (Gilead's drug). The short answer is we still don't know much. Actual clinical trials should start providing results soon and that will tell us more. Given the timeline to get a vaccine it would be very, very good news if one of the repurposed drugs was actually beneficial. But we'll only know that if we take the time to do a proper study. Don't even get me started on the mess that has been made in the hydroxychloroquine situation.
I also saw a write-up of Pfizer's work for the first time. A lot of us in the industry have assumed (or even heard through the grapevine) that they were reactivating work on some leads they had developed during the SARS epidemic. While this isn't as much of an acceleration as repurposing a drug that has already been approved for other uses, it is still much faster than starting from scratch. Presumably they already have data about which compounds in their series have acceptable pharmacokinetic parameters and have learned some things about specificity and the like from their past work. Given all the layoffs and other turmoil at Pfizer (and other pharmas) in the intervening years, I wonder if the scientists who know this data best are still at Pfizer. I hope so. Here's a write up on Pfizer's various efforts that includes a discussion of the compounds that came from their earlier SARS work.
OK, now for the happy things.
This was the obvious song for this period in time:
But this one is pretty damn good, too:“Please Don’t Stand So Close To Me” w/ @OfficialSting, @theroots, and instruments from home. pic.twitter.com/UYkUrRLdRA— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) April 10, 2020
I loved this:
Wait for it:Some sports are slower. More about the strategy. pic.twitter.com/JMBaGJ1tSd— Andrew Cotter (@MrAndrewCotter) April 9, 2020
I don’t know who this is, but he’s made my day. pic.twitter.com/g5x1kMQlMJ— William Crawley (@williamcrawley) April 5, 2020
This is beautiful and amazing:
Also beautiful:Embroidered art by York based artist Chloe Giordano #womensart pic.twitter.com/7Mv1N6wGss— #WOMENSART (@womensart1) April 10, 2020
This, too:'A Flight of Swallows II,' by Hester Cox, contemporary UK printmaker based in North Yorkshire #womensart pic.twitter.com/Yi2ap5hhWu— #WOMENSART (@womensart1) April 8, 2020
LOL'Road to Heather Glen' by Moy Mackay, Scottish textile artist known for her “felt painting” #womensart pic.twitter.com/JxvOnnI0WY— #WOMENSART (@womensart1) April 7, 2020
A friend sent me this and now I can’t think of anything else pic.twitter.com/gPbNwi729U— James Felton (@JimMFelton) April 7, 2020
I've enjoyed watching people on Twitter discover the existence of swamp rabbits:
I don't know enough botany to do this but it is a great idea!Swamp rabbits are shy creatures. This is the first time they've ever been filmed swimming. #NaturePBS pic.twitter.com/WZkdNcczlu— Nature on PBS (@PBSNature) April 9, 2020
I am really enjoying the things people are doing to help each other through this time:To whomever is chalking names and descriptions of trees on the pavements across Walthamstow. I love you. This made my heart sing today. pic.twitter.com/6lmauYeQVD— Elizabeth Archer (@edarcherthinks) April 7, 2020
“COVID-19, Day 20— California Sun (@mmcphate) April 6, 2020
I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon.
I’ll let you know."
A delightful family in Claremont has been posting a new dad joke in their front yard each day to mark the passage of time during the lockdown.https://t.co/2LFXGaG857 pic.twitter.com/mhACDv7GN8
Here's your weekly bunny:Joke on a tree, for walkers: pic.twitter.com/vdp9mxgSsz— Maura Yzmore (@MauraYzmore) April 5, 2020
— うさぎ島の写真bot (@rabbit_isle_bot) April 10, 2020Happy weekend everyone!
Saturday, April 04, 2020
Weekend Reading: The Third Week Edition
I should probably stop naming these posts by week, because in awhile that is going to get depressing.
I took yesterday off and feel more refreshed, which is a good thing because I have several emails from the school to read to prepare for next week. Instruction is resuming, although grading doesn't start again until April 27 because the district needs time to distribute laptops to those that need them and also sort out internet connections for families that need them. I have a bunch of links to read through for my 4th grader. Luckily, the 7th grader can mostly handle her stuff herself.
This week, I tried to read less about coronavirus. The idea was that I'd then read more other things. That second part didn't really happen, although I did finally read a few more chapters of my book. I am starting to realize how much I depended on having certain routines for things like grocery shopping and how now that the routines are disrupted, chores that used to take very little time are consuming far more of my time and attention. Even when I am not actually working on them, there is part of my brain whirring away on the various logistical problems we face right now. It is somewhat exhausting and I am working on figuring out how to quiet the noise.
So I don't have a lot of links for you this week. Here's what I do have:
This xkcd cartoon is really beautiful.
If you've been curious about infection rates per capita, there is now a covid tracking source that has that option: It is one of the customization options at covidcounties.org. I am trying not to obsess about the numbers, but I have only a hazy idea of the populations of various California counties and this site helped me put some of the other numbers I've seen in context. Also, Los Angeles county is huge and I didn't realize San Diego county is the next biggest.
The CDC has changed its guidance on masks. This Ed Yong piece explains what we know about their effectiveness and might help you understand why this has become such a contentious issue. My key takeaways from all the things I've read about cloth masks is that we're wearing them to protect other people from us (not to protect ourselves from other people) and they should be a supplement not a replacement for all of the other things we're doing: staying home, staying 6 feet away from others when we do have to go out, and washing our hands a lot.
An opinion piece on why medical workers are at a higher risk from coronavirus. If nothing else has convinced you to leave the medical masks to medical workers, this might.
I had to stop reading this Washington Post article about what went wrong in our response to coronavirus because it was making me too angry. I will come back and read it at some point, though.
This article about what's happening in Wuhan right now is so sad, and the estimates people are making about the true number of deaths based on funeral information - that the real toll may be more than 40,000 people - are absolutely heartbreaking.
Here's another article with some useful tips for safely ordering takeout.
New York is merging all of its hospitals into one system to try to get resources where they are needed most.
Here's a write up on a trial that is getting started on another promising repurposed drug.
Xykademiqz wrote a good post on grocery stores and social class during this pandemic. I've observed similar things here.
This article with tips on social distancing from a man who has lived alone in a cabin in the mountains for years is just delightful. Also, it has some good advice!
Samuel L. Jackson reading an updated version of Go the F*** to Sleep - Stay the F*** at Home:
I took yesterday off and feel more refreshed, which is a good thing because I have several emails from the school to read to prepare for next week. Instruction is resuming, although grading doesn't start again until April 27 because the district needs time to distribute laptops to those that need them and also sort out internet connections for families that need them. I have a bunch of links to read through for my 4th grader. Luckily, the 7th grader can mostly handle her stuff herself.
This week, I tried to read less about coronavirus. The idea was that I'd then read more other things. That second part didn't really happen, although I did finally read a few more chapters of my book. I am starting to realize how much I depended on having certain routines for things like grocery shopping and how now that the routines are disrupted, chores that used to take very little time are consuming far more of my time and attention. Even when I am not actually working on them, there is part of my brain whirring away on the various logistical problems we face right now. It is somewhat exhausting and I am working on figuring out how to quiet the noise.
So I don't have a lot of links for you this week. Here's what I do have:
This xkcd cartoon is really beautiful.
If you've been curious about infection rates per capita, there is now a covid tracking source that has that option: It is one of the customization options at covidcounties.org. I am trying not to obsess about the numbers, but I have only a hazy idea of the populations of various California counties and this site helped me put some of the other numbers I've seen in context. Also, Los Angeles county is huge and I didn't realize San Diego county is the next biggest.
The CDC has changed its guidance on masks. This Ed Yong piece explains what we know about their effectiveness and might help you understand why this has become such a contentious issue. My key takeaways from all the things I've read about cloth masks is that we're wearing them to protect other people from us (not to protect ourselves from other people) and they should be a supplement not a replacement for all of the other things we're doing: staying home, staying 6 feet away from others when we do have to go out, and washing our hands a lot.
An opinion piece on why medical workers are at a higher risk from coronavirus. If nothing else has convinced you to leave the medical masks to medical workers, this might.
I had to stop reading this Washington Post article about what went wrong in our response to coronavirus because it was making me too angry. I will come back and read it at some point, though.
This article about what's happening in Wuhan right now is so sad, and the estimates people are making about the true number of deaths based on funeral information - that the real toll may be more than 40,000 people - are absolutely heartbreaking.
Here's another article with some useful tips for safely ordering takeout.
New York is merging all of its hospitals into one system to try to get resources where they are needed most.
Here's a write up on a trial that is getting started on another promising repurposed drug.
Xykademiqz wrote a good post on grocery stores and social class during this pandemic. I've observed similar things here.
This article with tips on social distancing from a man who has lived alone in a cabin in the mountains for years is just delightful. Also, it has some good advice!
Samuel L. Jackson reading an updated version of Go the F*** to Sleep - Stay the F*** at Home:
This is amazing:Samuel L. Jackson with tonight's perfect bedtime story. pic.twitter.com/CIg0H64c25— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) April 1, 2020
Here's your bunny for the week:Things like this? Make me want to weep with joy. Look at it! So fine. Amazing and wonderful. Look at the dates. https://t.co/rUJ3QD18J7— El Rhodes (@electra_rhodes) April 4, 2020
— うさぎ島の写真bot (@rabbit_isle_bot) March 31, 2020Have a good weekend!
Thursday, April 02, 2020
Life in the Time of Coronavirus, Snapshot #3
This will be a short post, but there is something I've noticed that I want to write about before I forget it. It is about how kids are cheering us grown ups on right now. The sidewalks around my neighborhood are all decorated with chalk drawings. Some of this is no doubt due to bored kids doing one of the few outdoor activities still available to them. But most of the clusters of decorations include an encouraging message. "Stay Positive!" said the chalk drawing on a wall I passed today. Other chalk drawings tell me "You can do this!" and other encouraging messages.
Not to be left out, Petunia went out a couple of days ago and wrote a poem in our driveway. Here is her message for us:
Even though the path is rough
You must continue to be tough
Even though you see no light
You must continue and fight
This is written in cheerful bright pink chalk. I wonder what our neighbors think!
In other news, we're planning a Zoom birthday party for Pumpkin, who turns 13 soon. My husband found an online trivia game she can play with her friends and she seems pretty excited for her party. After her "friends" party we'll have a separate Zoom hangout for family and other grown up friends.
We expect we'll also be celebrating out 15th wedding anniversary and possibly also my birthday in isolation. The kids told us tonight that we could go out for our anniversary dinner... in our backyard. They would be our waitstaff. We may yet hold them to that!
We've decided that Thursday nights are takeout nights. We've done this twice so far. Both times I have gone to pick up our dinner, because I'll wear a mask. My husband is still coming around to the idea of wearing one. Both times, I have been impressed with how well the restaurant has set up for take out. It definitely feels less fraught than grocery shopping.
I'm taking tomorrow off from work. The kids are on spring break and wanted a day to hang out together. I also think I could use a day to try to get myself into a better headspace for the long haul. I need to spend my leisure time in a way that is more revitalizing. I have realized how much I relied on my Friday afternoon rollerblades to release the stress of the week. Without that, and with extra stressors, I am struggling a bit. I think we're supposed to have a nice day tomorrow, so I want to spend some time hanging out under our avocado tree, sorting things out in my head.
Pumpkin has a special walk route she wants to take tomorrow, and Petunia is planning for some extra cuddle time. It should be nice.
That's all I have tonight. Leave any snippets from your life that you want to share in the comments!
Not to be left out, Petunia went out a couple of days ago and wrote a poem in our driveway. Here is her message for us:
Even though the path is rough
You must continue to be tough
Even though you see no light
You must continue and fight
This is written in cheerful bright pink chalk. I wonder what our neighbors think!
In other news, we're planning a Zoom birthday party for Pumpkin, who turns 13 soon. My husband found an online trivia game she can play with her friends and she seems pretty excited for her party. After her "friends" party we'll have a separate Zoom hangout for family and other grown up friends.
We expect we'll also be celebrating out 15th wedding anniversary and possibly also my birthday in isolation. The kids told us tonight that we could go out for our anniversary dinner... in our backyard. They would be our waitstaff. We may yet hold them to that!
We've decided that Thursday nights are takeout nights. We've done this twice so far. Both times I have gone to pick up our dinner, because I'll wear a mask. My husband is still coming around to the idea of wearing one. Both times, I have been impressed with how well the restaurant has set up for take out. It definitely feels less fraught than grocery shopping.
I'm taking tomorrow off from work. The kids are on spring break and wanted a day to hang out together. I also think I could use a day to try to get myself into a better headspace for the long haul. I need to spend my leisure time in a way that is more revitalizing. I have realized how much I relied on my Friday afternoon rollerblades to release the stress of the week. Without that, and with extra stressors, I am struggling a bit. I think we're supposed to have a nice day tomorrow, so I want to spend some time hanging out under our avocado tree, sorting things out in my head.
Pumpkin has a special walk route she wants to take tomorrow, and Petunia is planning for some extra cuddle time. It should be nice.
That's all I have tonight. Leave any snippets from your life that you want to share in the comments!
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