Mr. Snarky gets up with the kids (sometime between 6 and 7 a.m.) while I sleep in. I get up with them on Saturdays, to get ready for gymnastics classs, so Sundays are my only sleep in day. I sleep until 7:30 or 8.
Once I'm up, Mr. Snarky goes for a long run by the bay. The kids watch cartoons. I make myself a pot of tea and do some writing.
In my new work situation, the writing is often "work"- either something I'm writing for pay (e.g., my next post for Chronicle Vitae) or something for Tungsten Hippo or my professional blog. This is the only work I like to do on weekends. I try to keep the rest of the weekend relatively work-free.
That didn't happen this week. I had agreed to be on a panel for the Beyond the Professoriate web conference yesterday, so Mr. Snarky took the kids to gymnastics and I spent a couple of hours in our office, talking to the computer.
I'd already broken my usual "no work on Saturdays" rule, so I decided to do a little more work, too. The combination of the surprise visit with a potential client and the visit to Pumpkin's class had put me behind on my to do list for the week. Some of the items I've just rolled over to next week's list. But one item I really wanted to get done: I've decided to go ahead with the "intro to project management" course idea, and I wanted to get the registration page set up.
I've already emailed the survey respondents with this info, but I think this is a good time to break my usual policy against linking directly to my "real name" accounts, and will also share the link to the registration page here.
The course is called Get More Done, and is aimed at people who want to learn the fundamentals of project management so that they can pick and choose which tools make sense in their own situation and apply them to Get More Done.
This page has more details and a link to the registration page.
Based on my survey results, I decided to run the class on two Wednesday mornings in June. I am also offering a discounted "recording only" option for people who can't make the scheduled times. I am also open to running the course again in July or August- you just need to contact me with the weeks, days, and times that work for you. If I get 5 people who are sure they'll register for the course at a different time (and it is a time I can do), I'll open a second session.
I'm running the registration through GumRoad, and will manually add people who register to the class list in MeetingBurner. I'm doing it this way to keep my costs as low as possible, so that I can keep the registration fee as low as possible. If the fees are still too high for you but you really want to take the class, contact me and I'll try to work something out with you.
I'll be publicizing the class more on my real name account next week, but since you all helped me decide to do the course, I thought I should at least mention it once here!
I think this post fulfilled my Sunday writing routine! My tea is done, and now I'm going to go finish taking notes on The Argument Culture,
And then I want to do some research about cool things to see and do in Bordeaux... our trip to France is coming up soon. I don't have to do the level of preparation I do for a trip with the kids, but it is nice to have some idea of what I want to see. Besides, I really enjoy this part of trip planning!
Happy Sunday, everyone!
This sounds lovely. I think weekends are great for a different sort of work. If you like what you do, it's not terribly stressful, and it's good for bigger picture stuff.