My current favorite Pumpkinisms are:
- "Hopen" instead of "open"
- "Bobbin" instead of "bottom" (I think I've mentioned this one before. I love this one.)
- "What happen to you, Mommy?" anytime I complain about anything. I complain a lot these days (see the comment above about being 35 weeks pregnant)
- The way she starts sentences with "Hey!" and ends them with "though". As in "Hey, Mommy! I want some milk, though."
*OK, not really. The high today in the coastal region where I live and work was probably 85 degrees F. Its cooled off nicely now, and is only 74 now. But I've been living in San Diego for a long time. We think we have a right to have our temperatures hover between 68 and 76 AT ALL TIMES. Go ahead. Laugh. I used to laugh at this, too, when I had just moved here from Chicago by way of Phoenix. But then I stayed too long, and now I need a jacket if it gets down to 66 and start turning fans on when it creeps up past 78.
I'm still new enough to California that I think everyone else is crazy for complaining about how hot/cold it is. I'm sure I will adjust soon enough.