So I guess I'll be shopping for some new rollerblades this weekend. This pair was never very good. I need to find a place that sells nicer ones.
On to the links:
I'm going to assume that if you want to read about the shutdown and our (perhaps temporary) reprieve from it or Stone's arrest, you can find things to read.
The only related item I'll share is this piece from Greg Sargent about how Pelosi has found a way to counteract Trump's nonsense.
Here's a good article about the city of Eureka returning an island to the Wiyot tribe.
Electric pickup trucks are coming. I think that's a very good thing.
And here's another good thing: It looks like the Ebola vaccine is working.
Derek Lowe had two posts of general interest this week: One on the fact that we have (finally, only now) figured out the mechanism of action of quinine against malaria, and one on a possible link between gum disease and Alzheimer disease.
In recommended listening; Krista Tippet reposted her interview with Mary Oliver, and I really enjoyed listening to it.
This is a good thread about our problem with the media giving serial liars the benefit of the doubt:
This wasn't one of the biggest episodes of the campaign, but it was one of the most revealing. Right-wing scumbags made something up out of whole cloth, the media indulged it, and it made a real difference in public perception.— David Roberts (@drvox) January 25, 2019
I wish I knew the source of this wonderful chart:
Putting this on the wall in the kitchen.— Susan (@futurebird) January 20, 2019
I love this:
Guys I finally got my painting framed up! I’m considering throwing out my tv and just staring at this always 😍— Aaron Yazzie (@YazzieSays) January 19, 2019
— うさぎ島の写真bot (@rabbit_isle_bot) January 24, 2019
That quinine article was fascinating!